5 ways to reduce PowerPoint overload
From the Gee Whiz blog
Bored by 50-slide presentations that drone on, bullet by bullet, slide by slide? Having a hard time keeping audience interest in your point. Then start practicing these five research-based techniques for reducing PowerPoint overload:
1. Write a clear headline that explains main idea of each slide (“Three reasons we achieved 105% of our goal”).
2. Break up story into digestible bites in slide sorter view.
3. Reduce visual load: move all text offscreen, and narrate.
4. Use visuals instead of words alone.
5. Remove every element that does not support main idea.
Check it out in the pdf “5 ways to reduce PowerPoint overload” by Cliff Atkinson and Richard E. Mayer from sociablemedia.com.
Based on the techniques, from a gargantuan 48-slide sales presentation, I created ONE slide, with a powerful graphic image that resolves to a high-impact image. Proprietary business strategy and other sensible rules prevent me from displaying it here.
E-mail me and ask for the “WhyEHM.ppt” file.
I guarantee you’ll see “wow!”