The Power of Your Speech

Language expert Wilfred Funk was one of the first to study highly successful men and women to determine what they have in common. What he discovered was that they all have the ability to communicate clearly and effectively. Since then, many studies have shown the same thing. In fact, members of the “speaking” professions – lawyers, politicians, professional speakers, salespeople, and entertainers – are among the highest paid. There appears to be a high correlation between word power and earning power. The ability to speak, to persuade, and to keep an audience’s attention is well rewarded.
What about you? Have you been sabotaging your own success because you feel that speaking in front of a group is something you would rather die than do? If so, it is time to do yourself a favour and learn the skills that can change your life.
Read more in Pivotal Magazine

1 reply
  1. Fred E. Miller
    Fred E. Miller says:

    Good point here – Thanks!
    We expect leaders to be good communicators. President Obama is where he is because of his great communication skill. (He’s got a lot of other things on his resume, also!)
    You could be the most knowledgeable person in your area of expertise, but if you can’t communicate that knowledge to people, your carrer will never reach its full potential.
    Fred E. Miller

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