Beat Your Nerves and Communicate at Your Best in Any Situation
The Confident Speaker: Beat Your Nerves and Communicate at Your Best in Any Situation
Harrison Monarth
Format: Paperback
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Professional
Published in: United States
Published: April 2007
Banish the fear of public speaking and become a world-class communicator – in a meeting of five, or at a conference of a thousand. Combining breakthrough research on how to conquer speaking anxieties with battle-tested strategies, Larina Kase and Harrison Monarth will give you the confidence and skills to become a world-class speaker in any situation. Using real-world scenarios and powerful tools, the authors help you banish your fear of public speaking and unleash your innate powers of persuasion. ‘Packed with simple, enjoyable, workable ways to overcome speaking anxiety and project a strong persona’ – Dottie Walters, C.S.P., author of “Speak and Grow Rich”. =>