You probably ask yourself…Why are the bureaus not booking me? What do I have to do to get them to call me?
A bureau’s first responsibility is to satisfy its clients — organizations who hire speakers. Put yourself in the bureau’s position. They want to place speakers who are:
” The easiest to book. Meaning… they’re famous, they get rave reviews, they don’t require much publicity, their presence as a keynote speaker at an event will increase attendance, etc.
” Exclusive with them. This means that all interested organizations have to go through the bureau to book the speaker.
” High profile personalities that have favorable reputations and instant name recognition.
” High fee speakers. All other things being equal, why not place the higher fee speaker?
” Dependable. They respond quickly to inquiries, are courteous, punctual, focused on stage, stay on point and keep agreements.
” Predictable. They have high ratings consistently, get standing ovations and stay on topic.
” Referred and endorsed by past clients.
Here are 9 action steps that will increase your bookings and get the attention of bureaus =>
with Lee Salz
Ask 100 people if webinars are free or for-fee. Most will say they are free. Ask the same 100 people if training is free. Most will say you *pay* for training.
What happens when you use webinars to deliver training?
Webinars are merely technology with multiple applications. Most have used webinars for branding, promoting, or database building. In this webinar, Lee introduces you to the world of attendee-funded webinars —
webinars where participants pay to learn from you.
The presentation is virtual, but the dollars are real.
If you are a speaker intrigued by webinars as an income opportunity, join Lee and you’ll learn how to:
• straddle the fine line between free and for-fee webinars — not all content is saleable
• use one question to select the most saleable content — what people will readily pay to learn from you
• avoid the most common mistake that causes no one to sign-up for your webinars
• engage the 3 prospective registrant types effectively — and at the right time — so they sign-up for your webinars
• leverage the webinar buying hot zone — the window when most registrations occur
• select a title for your webinar that passes a 4-prong test
• design your most important marketing tool — the webinar description
• choose the right webinar provider
Get all the details here =->
You’ve got content from your keynotes and trainings. You know you could reach more people and make more money if you turned your intellectual capital into an online course — or maybe even an online academy. But how do you do that quickly, easily and inexpensively? Doesn’t it take an instructional designer and tech expert? Aren’t those folks hard to find and expensive? Plus, how do you sell the course?
Is it possible to do all this oneself without lots of frustration? YES! Brian will show you how he did it with his speaking and training business and how YOU can do it with yours. He’ll walk you through his website examples in real time so you can see how it all works. And by the way, Brian doubled his revenue thanks to his e-Learning programs!
With the cutbacks in travel, conference speakers, and in-house training, NOW is the time for you to take the next step to creating your own online learning center.
John Chambers, Chairman of Cisco Systems, said about e-Learning: “The next big killer application on the Internet is going to be education. Education over the Internet is going to be so big it is going to make email usage look like a rounding error.”
In this webinar you will learn how to:
• turn your slides, books, and videos into fun and interactive training courses
• create interactive quizzes and learning games with easy-to-use software
• develop your own branded online learning center and charge for courses
• make money from anywhere!
In this one-hour webinar, we’ll share with you the essential tools of creating your own e-Learning programs.
If there is ever a webinar you absolutely cannot miss, it is this one. So mark Dec 21 in your calendar. Because it will be that day that you look back on as the day in your business when your sales, profits, and income grew — without your having to get on a plane! See you there!
Register or order the CD or MP3 recording. Note: people who register for the teleseminar will get the MP3 recording of the session for free. Also, everyone who registers for the webinar session or orders the recording will get a link to the recorded video of the online webinar.
with Elaine Dumler
The investment you made in writing your book or creating your product can come back to you many, many times over through non-traditional marketing avenues. Profit from specialty and niche markets you may not have even considered for product sales. Most of these marketing techniques work for both self-published works and those produced through traditional publishers. It doesn’t matter!
You’ll get the 21 best, cheapest and quickest marketing ideas that helped Elaine sell over 80,000 self-published books. Elaine is the first to say that if she can do it, anyone can do it! She has learned everything “from scratch” and passes along what worked so you can shorten your learning curve.
You will learn:
• how to sell in case lots to the markets in which you specialize.
• how to analyze the buying patterns of your specific markets to know exactly when to promote to them.
• a technique to pre-sell to every audience member, and even sell to people who don’t want your book by creating a new need or a new market to sell to!
• how to analyze your niche to sell books/products in large quantities at a time.
• ideas that are easy to understand, simple to implement and cost-effective.
Plus: You’ll receive a complete downloadable list of the resources used for all ideas in the session, including photos of some of the marketing pieces demonstrated.
More information =>
with Debbie Bermont
“I’m frustrated.”
“How come?”
“I’m out there giving my seminar, but I’m not making the kind of money I’d like.”
“Do you have products you sell along with your seminar?”
“Why not?”
“No time. Do you know how long it takes to write a book? Or put together a video and get it edited and produced? I don’t have that kind of time.”
“I can see why you’re frustrated. Why don’t you attend Debbie Bermont’s teleseminar?”
“What will I get out of that?”
“She’s figured out how to produce products from every presentation, with little effort, that have brought her a lot of additional income.”
“Hmmm, sounds interesting. Where can I learn more?” =>
… Your Own Self-Selling Book or Booklet
with Gordon Burgett
To regularly earn many thousands of dollars from speeches or seminars, invest a few hundred dollars now — once — and create a surefire selling tool that you can send to every booker in your universe. Build a book or booklet from something you uniquely know — solve a gnarly problem, retool a case study, explain a process that works — so the booker sees your brilliance, wit, and special insight and can hire you for a related presentation you want to give!
Best yet, you needn’t pay a penny to publish your gem in either bound or digital format, and it can be yours in minutes or days. It can also be an income source forever!
Gordon will explain the step-by-step process in this teleseminar and accompanying workbook. He will also include two digital examples (of a dozen such tools he has successfully used in the past 25 years) that you can download to get started.
You will learn:
• how to strategize your speech-marketing campaign, and what singular tool will distinguish you from others seeking that booking
• the contact letter, flyer, and “kit” components you will have digitally accessible to accompany your new speech-marketing book or booklet
• what the new tool must do to positively persuade the programmer that you are the person to pick, and to whom it should be sent for maximum effectiveness
• where you can send the tool to get it published free and fast, looking the way you want, both bound and digitally downloadable!
• how you can later (or simultaneously) re-publish that core book or booklet in-house as often as you wish without rights problems or ISBN issues
Download here =>
Cultivating $100,000/Year Clients™: How to Stop Chasing Single Speaking Events and Start Creating Wealth
Selling individual speaking events gets tiresome, and you can go broke on this model. Leveraging your client relationships makes much more sense as well as being more lucrative. There are key elements to make this happen over and over again.
Brian Lee CSP is a master at the long-term model. He’s delineated four key components to large contracts. Whether you’re a keynoter, trainer, or consultant, you can take away ideas that will apply to you.
You will learn:
• The philosophy you must have that underpins everything
• Key strategies to make 6-figure clients possible
• How to nurture strategic alliances that lead to large deals
• How to deliver executive briefings that increase chances of the big contract
• Why creating and promoting systems are crucial to large sales
… all the details =>
As speakers, trainers, and consultants, you may come across spokesperson opportunities many times a year but fail to recognize them. They slip away — perhaps going to someone else who’s more astute about picking up the cues. Don’t let the next lucrative possibility pass you by.
The session is rich with specific examples of what has worked and techniques to avoid. This is not about cold calling PR firms, but rather how to precisely position yourself so the client feels you “get it” and can’t live without you.
You will learn how to:
. capitalize on the opportunities by understanding what your role is and what you can do to close the deal
. articulate your established market and who else (what organization) needs to reach them
expand way beyond the obvious
. bridge the gap from the client’s brand to how your ideas, products or core messages solves a problem for their market
. package your idea and make adapting your concepts easy for the client to understand and buy
The information is here =>
with Josh Shipp
What can a 29-year-old who specializes in speaking to teens teach corporate speakers and consultants? How about how to create an empire grossing over $1.5 million a year, a six-figure book deal, television show, and multi-million dollar product deal. He’ll share what he’s learned and how you can adapt it to your business.
Paid speaking engagements are only the beginning of your impact and income. Learn from Inc. magazine award-winning entrepreneur Josh Shipp how he leveraged his red-hot speaking career into an empire.
You will learn:
• A step-by-step formula for getting a major book deal
• How to leverage your speaking gigs for mass impact and income
• Secrets for communicating what you do to the media for exposure and bookings
• The system for packaging your current content and selling it on multiple platforms
• The five things I wish someone had told me when I started this business
More information =>
I Love the “IRS”:
9 Internet Revenue Streams to Make Your Web Income Soar
with Tom Antion
The Internet affords us multiple low-risk/high-return opportunities to earn big bucks and to promote our speaking/training/consulting businesses. If your business has been affected by the slow economy, Tom will show you how to create income streams so you’ll still have money coming in if your primary business is off.
In this fast-paced session, Tom will share nine different revenue streams you can tap to take your income and fame to completely new levels. Tom’s been immersed in Internet selling every single day for the last 16 years. You do NOT want to miss this teleseminar and the secrets he shares.
You will learn:
• How to maximize your income from website visitors. Not all of them can hire us to speak, but all of them can spend money if we give them the chance.
• How to insulate yourself from ups and downs in the economy. Having multiple streams of revenue is a good insurance policy.
• How to bring in revenue from side projects that don’t even require a website. It’s fun to get surprised with checks and PayPal deposits from deals you don’t even remember creating.
• How to attract and service high-end clients to the point where they could buy you a new house. This is not hocus-pocus. Tom’s been living this life for years and he says the people listening to this call are the perfect candidates to replicate his success.
• Tom’s exact technique on how he can legitimately say, “He couldn’t stop the money coming into his checking account if he tried.”
More information =>