Preparation is one of the most powerful drivers of success in public speaking.
Some people will tell you they don’t prepare. They may be lying. It was Mark Twain who said “It usually takes more than three weeks to prepare a good impromptu speech”. Or they may be like world champion, Craig Valentine, whose mantra is “Don’t get ready to speak, stay ready to speak.” It may also be that they are preparing mostly in their heads, visualising trying out new word combinations and structures for their speeches, rather than a more formal preparation, say, sitting at a desk and writing.
So don’t leave your speeches to chance. Preparation is the key to success. Here are nine ways you can make preparation work for you.
The first step is to define what you want to achieve with the speech. What is its purpose? It is vital to be very clear on this purpose, so spend time preparing a statement of purpose that will drive everything that you do and say when you present.
The second step, then, is to thoroughly prepare your content. Research it, think about it, talk about it, play with the themes that emerge. Confidence will come when you are deeply familiar with your material. Create visuals if you are using them, to enhance your speech and build engagement with the audience.
Once you are familiar with your material and the structure of your speech, you will be far more fluent in your delivery and you will lose the need to rely on notes. Rehearse out loud to reassure yourself you will not forget the main points of your speech.
The third step is to prepare what people will see. Dress professionally and/or in a way that supports your message and image. Prepare how you will move, use the stage and gesture.
The fourth path to success is to plan how you will use this speech, especially if you are marketing yourself, your product or service. Plan the stories you will tell in your speech. Plan how you will look and speak. And plan how you will structure your speech to support your message or promote your product. Plan also the logistics of back-of-room sales, or for getting sign-ups for your emails. Make sure you have all the materials you will need for this aspect of success.
The fifth step is to prepare yourself. If you have a problem with confidence, for whatever reason, use the strategies that work for you, to translate your nerves into passion for what you are about to do. Use mental strategies like compartmentalising the nervousness and accepting it is there, reminding yourself that it is really excitement and passion for your subject and your audience that is making you feel that way. Use physical strategies like being aware of other parts of your body, breathing exercises, and a warm-up routine.
The sixth preparation tool is to practice. Your speech will improve by 80 percent just from one rehearsal – out loud. Use the rehearsal to develop confidence in your memory. Use it also to make sure you are using your voice to its best potential – supporting the meaning of your points, and creating variety in the listening experience. This time can also prepare you for your “conversation” with the audience. You can develop language that works best in spoken rather than written communication. You can visualise your audience and how they will react to what you say and how you say it, and edit your material and your presentation style accordingly.
It will be this rehearsal that allows people to think that speaking comes naturally to you, and that you did not rehearse. But the famous South African golfer Gary Player said, ‘The harder I practice, the luckier I get!’
Try, if possible to have a warm-up before your speech. This seventh activity can include vocal exercise so that your voice is prepared. It can include tongue-twisters to make sure your brain is communicating well with your mouth. And it can include some physical exercise to decrease nerves and to ensure oxygen is flowing to your brain.
And though I mentioned logistics earlier, this deserves its own preparation success category, the eighth. The more you are prepared for every aspect of your presentation the better you will be able to deal with whatever arises. So make yourself familiar with the room and its setup. Adjust it if possible and necessary. Familiarise yourself, too, with the equipment – laptop/projector, microphone, lectern, whiteboard– whatever it is you are using. Be comfortable with using them and how you will use them within the space. Make sure you have handouts ready for when you need them and any other prizes or presents you intend to give out.
And finally, be prepared to be flexible! None of what we just mentioned in the eight strategies is set in stone, particularly if you want to be credible, confident and engaging. So have a Plan B (and C and D) for if the technology fails. Be prepared to change your stage use if the stage is different from what you expected. And be constantly on the alert to changes in the audience so that you can adapt your material to suit their response to you. And in the end, be prepared to admit to a problem. Your authenticity will endear you to your audience.
You really cannot leave any of this to chance (or to luck!) Being prepared to give an excellent speech, being prepared so that it flows smoothly and being prepared for the majority of eventualities will lead you to a successful presentation – achieving the outcomes you intended and getting you repeat bookings. And as for those who say they did not prepare, and are not lying …. It shows!!

Self-expression must pass into communication for its fulfillment.
Pearl S. Buck

… and of course every speech or presentation is communication – hopefully even a conversation.
… but does self-expression need to turn into communication to be fulfilled? Can one express oneself just for the sake of creating something, for learning mastery? What about the value of a journal that no-one ever reads but that is so cathartic, and supportive of personal growth?
Am I missing something?

Used wisely, PowerPoint® and similar programs can be an effective tool to help audiences remember your message, while allowing you to prove, reinforce, and support your claims.
Used unwisely, PowerPoint becomes a distraction that upstages the presenter and buries the message. With its tumbling, whooshing, flying, singing and screeching graphics, PowerPoint can take on a life of its own.
All these bells and whistles can disconnect the slides from the presenter and destroy the reason for using them in the first place–to provide an audience with at-a-glance comprehension to support the presentation.
PowerPoint can represent essential data to support points in a way that boosts clarity, credibility, and retention. PowerPoint incorporates a wide variety of tools for selecting colors, fonts, formats and styles.
You can import content from word processing programs or charts from spreadsheet applications.
PowerPoint also lets you create your own graphics and tailor the data to meet your own special needs.
PowerPoint has a range and flexibility that allow you to quickly pull together some great visuals or to invest hours simmering a cauldron of confusion stew. The key is to know how to use it wisely. =>

Just magic!! What an inspiring speech this was! Even if you watch only the beginning, you can learn from her technique. She had them laughing with her from the start.  

Public speaking is all about getting a message across … speaking.
OK, that being said, let’s step back and away from that for a moment and think about it differently. Think about it as you would a television show or movie with the sound off. What do you see? What does your audience see when you are speaking (with the sound off)?
Look at your clothes. What do they say about you? Yes I know we shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, but we do. Everyone does. Audiences do. So what do your clothes say about you? Is that the message you wanted them to convey? The message the audience gets from your clothes needs to support the impact you want to make.
On the other hand, are your clothes making their own statement? Do they stand out so much that they are more interesting than your words or message?
What the audience sees needs to reinforce your message and both need to work together to create the impact you decided you wanted. You did choose an impact, didn’t you? You didn’t want to just leave it to chance, did you?
So when you are rehearsing and preparing your speech or presentation by visualising the whole process being a success … include in the picture what you will look like. Imagine what the audience response is to what you look like. Run a mind movie of what you look like when you walk onto the stage or to the front of the room. What are they expecting to be in the book that is you when they see its cover? What are they thinking. Look into their minds. Read their faces. Is that what you wanted? If it’s not, then adapt the picture accordingly. Change the mind movie until you know that the way you look is going to get the response from the audience that you want. Then you will be thoroughly prepared to create the impact of your choice.

Words mean more than what is set down on paper. It takes the human voice to infuse them with deeper meaning.
Maya Angelou

Some speakers say, “I could never use humour in my speech; I just don’t feel comfortable with it.” I believe that anyone can use humour and that it is a valuable tool in speaking. Appropriate humour relaxes an audience and makes it feel more comfortable with you as the speaker; humour can bring attention to the point you are making; and humour will help the audience better remember your point. It can break down barriers so that the audience is more receptive to your ideas. First, let me make it easy for you to use humour.

Speak to Win: How to Present with Power in Any Situation
Brian Tracy
Format: Hardcover
Publisher: Amacom
Published in: United States
Published: January 2008
There’s nothing worse than sitting in the audience while an inept speaker stumbles through an ill-conceived business presentation– unless, of course, you’re the one floundering in the spotlight. In 101 Ways to Captivate a Business Audience, Sue Gaulke, founder of the Speaker’s Training Camp, strips the mysteries from the process by showing how to prepare and present an effective address that will successfully involve your audience and deliver your message.

Speaking to a trade or professional group-or to a client’s employees-is really quite simple. If you’re not a professional speaker and want to become one, or are one and want to do it better, here are some shortcuts in one concise article. (And these rules apply to managers at meetings, executives at conferences, presenters at board meetings, and anyone else seeking to influence an audience.)