Every day you put yourself on the line as a leader.
Don’t you?
Every day you feel the weight of responsibility.
Don’t you?
Every day you need your team contributing to the organisation.
Don’t you?
Of course you do.
You don’t, you can’t, protect yourself at the expense of others.
You don’t, you can’t, pass off the responsibility and, worse yet, blame someone else.
You don’t, you can’t, bully your team into working.
Because it’s so much easier and more effective with story.
1. After all it’s free and it’s quick. Think about the bottom line in this.
You don’t have to pay a consultant/trainer/motivator to come in to explain the organisation culture,
to motivate your team,
to train in how best to get the job done,
to communicate the bad news,
to establish your credibility.
2. You have a powerful persuasive tool, that guarantees instant engagement.
You don’t have to use bullying.
You don’t have to pull rank.
You don’t have to have enforced motivational days that your team recognise for what they are – a day to relax and ignore.
3. You don’t have to keep repeating yourself. Your messages become memorable.
The basics of your organisational culture are retained.
The training is remembered.
The motivation is embedded.
The engagement ensured that.
The story structure ensured that.
The stories you chose ensured that.
4. You can be real
even vulnerable … within limits.
Real, natural, authentic, vulnerable (within limits) makes you more likable, more respected, more believable, more credible, more persuasive
and it’s easier,
especially if bullying and/or pulling rank and/or using endless theory and statistics are not your natural bent.
5. Your team, your customers, your prospects can make sense of your organisation.
They will know automatically what your culture is like,
what your brand really stands for,
what it is like to do business/work with/rely on you.
They will know your why.
All without sleazy or incomprehensible marketing.
And they will know it at a very deep level.
If you are a leader, Your story matters.