Budget to boost unis, research: report

Next week’s federal budget is expected to contain millions of dollars in extra funding for universities to build facilities and bolster research.More than $100 million will be pumped into an Australian National University refurbishment while health and medical research will receive the single biggest injection of public funds since 1999.

After all much of our economy depends on innovation and research.

Let’s hope they also put money into training more doctors!



Study Shows Americans Sicker Than English

CHICAGO – Middle-aged, white Americans are much sicker than their counterparts in England, startling new research shows, despite U.S. health care spending per person that’s more than double what England spends.

To my father and his generation, anyone who was larger was admired. “Fine figure of a woman” they would say. Because to them poverty meant being thin – not enough to eat – an outward sign of lack of success. Bad association – fat was prosperity. Fat was good. There was too much physical work back then for anyone to be obese unless there was something wrong.

Then there was the idea of the English upper class having the money to be thin. I suspect that’s where the Americans found the concept for their high society of “never too rich, or too thin”.

Yet somehow in this world where wealth and sloth seem to be synonymous for a huge majority and the ideal for so many no matter what “class”, we seem to have lost that old connection. Hence this trend in our American based (?) society towards prosperity, complacency and obesity.

Will we turn it around?



A Public speaking quote

“Brevity, said Lord Bacon, is the soul of wit, and conciseness is a virtue I have always admired. The magic of poetry lies in its power to compress ideas or emotions into a mere handful of words. But prose can work the same spell, which is why Francis Bacon’s aphorism has survived the centuries.”
–Arthur C. Clarke,
“Greetings, Carbon-Based Bipeds”
(St. Martin’s, 1999)


public speaking

I have just uploaded the updates to my organisation pages.

Articles include:

Organisation Management
Middle Management Excellence


Leadership: Leadership: Its Time Has Gone

NFP Communications Research & Toolkit Offer

Also posted the third part of the Series on Report writing to the Grow your Organisation blog

Tags: Organistions

Visit the pivotal news bytes blog – for things that make you go hmmmm!

It’s a good feeling to have the ITC Cyber Group straightened out and with the foundations for successful operation established. We have a group where we can store documents and where we can chat and share ideas. It will also be useful for submitting writing for evaluation – one way to develop communication skills. We can then also use the internet to practice spoken word assignments and to have meetings and chat in another way. Website is now up at http://www.itccyberinternational.org. Basic so far but will grow. This is a group for ITC members who cannot attend meetings. There is also an ezine to which non-members can subscribe. I will upload issues to the website in the next few days and set up subscription from there. At the moment, you can just send an email to me.



Isn’t this weather just wonderful? For you in the Northern hemisphere there is all the promise of spring, but here … I have energy from the first cool days after a long hot summer. I have joy in the sunshine flooding in our north windows. I have spiritual renewal from the beautiful blue skies of autumn, and I have a reminder of my mother who always rejoiced in autumn. It’s good to be alive!

Grow your organisation with posts about organisation management, leadership, communication, successful meetings and publicity at the Grow your organisation blog.


Speakers can use numbers to support key points. But too often, speakers use their data in place of key points, piling on number after number and, in the end, driving their audience to despair. Here are a few tips on how to use numbers to good effect

. Read on …

public speaking