Two new articles:
Handling Questions
Incorporate Humour in your next Presentation
Public Speaking Resource:
“Little Things That Have a Big Payoff: Secrets to Making Real Money in the Speaking and Consulting Business” with Shep Hyken, CSP
You’ve watched speakers on the platform that you *know* make four times as much money as you, and thought to yourself, “He isn’t four times as good a speaker as I am.”
So what’s the difference?
Little things, usually. Maybe that speaker knows how to close more bookings, at a higher average fee. Maybe he knows how to get a lot of repeat business. Maybe he knows how to get the client to buy a large quantity of products to give to the audience. Maybe all of these, and more. The point is, if you have the chance to hear a highly successful speaker explain some of the “little things” he does to get extraordinary results for his business, you might want to listen.
You will learn:
* A powerful question that will help you discover your client’s core needs.
* A system to help qualify and define your *ideal* clients.
* An offer you can make to your clients that will separate you from 99% of your competition.
* Techniques used to sell large quantity product orders.
* How to make more money *and* take more time off.
* Strategies to multiply and duplicate past successes.
* And more.
Shep has developed marketing strategies and practices that have brought him top business success. He is going to share them with us in his August 16 teleseminar.
Register, or order the CD or MP3 recording
SPECIAL LIMITED-TIME OFFER: If you’re interested in Shep’s message on how to make more money in the speaking/training/consulting business, you will also want the information shared in two other SNN teleseminar recordings:
* “Don’t Leave Money on the Table: How to Increase Your Bottom Line Without Working Harder” with Jennifer de St. Georges
* “Creating the Good Life: How to Have a Six-Figure Income Working Less and Living More” with Elizabeth Jeffries, CSP, CPAE
With your order of Shep’s teleseminar, CD or MP3, at checkout you will be offered the tapes(not CDs or MP3s) of these programs for the special price of only $10 each, while quantities last.
This offer expires Sept. 15
.Take advantage of this offer before it expires
Speech Making Success Tip:
If the structure of your speech involves ”Tell them what you are going to say, say it and tell them what you just said…” then the Introduction, Body and Conclusion are vital. But just as crucial, are the links between those parts – the bridging. They provide another opportunity to remind the audience of your message, and to link the parts together seamlessly. Often as you take breath to launch into the next point of your speech, the following utterance carries the weight of that breath or pause, and therefore is an ideal opportunity to reinforce your message.
tag: Public Speaking