I have updated the following pages with resources for teachers …

Lockie Leonard read-alikes
Weather and Seasons
Lighthouses – booklists
English Grammar
Special days

Tag: teaching resources

I have updated the Public Speaking pages at Pivotal Points.

I added two new Articles:

Conquer Your Fear of Speaking

How to Be A Great Speaker-Tomorrow,


a Speech Making Success Tip.

The Public Speaking Resource of the week is:
Pivotal Quotations.

Tag: Public speaking

I have updated the Personal Growth web pages at Pivotal points.

Here are the latest additions:

Crunch Time – 8 cheap Marketing Tactics
How to Improve Your Business’s Image
…More on Marketing

Optimism Increases Productivity
... More on Motivation

On the Rebound
More on Leadership

Seminar Success Strategies – How to profit from your Investment
More on Being organised

6 Time Management Tips: Time Audits
More on Time Management

Working Well With Others..
… More on workplace success

How to become an expert in your field in ten books or less!
.. More on Creativity and Innovation

Tags: Creativity, career, time management, organised, leadership, motivation, marketing

We need our myths and legends. We have the little girl in the red hood and the big bad wolf, and we have the moon landing. It has become the stuff of legend, too – pride in our achievements as a race. Look at the language used in it – “one small step …” suitable to any myth or legend.

My sons listen to a song that says “Space may be the final frontier/but it’s made in a Hollywood basement …” More vivid language and another myth about the moon landing – an urban myth.

And now to add to this whole melting pot, the news:

NASA can’t find original tape of moon landing

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The U.S. government has misplaced the original recording of the first moon landing, including astronaut Neil Armstrong’s famous “one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind,”

From a Librarian’s point of view this is very sad. What were they thinking – stuff of myth and they don’t even know where it is!! and why didn’t they put it on microfiche and store it properly? We must preserve our history! We must preserve out mythology!

Tags: Moon landing, Library, Mythology

Two new articles:

Handling the audience in public speaking

10 Sure-Fire Steps To Take The Fear Out Of Public Speaking

Public Speaking success Tip

Latest resource:

Teleseminar – register or order the recording …

“Little things that have a Big Payoff: Secrets to Making Real Money in the Speaking and consulting business” wth Shep Hyken, DSP

Tag: public speaking

Are you left-handed?

I grew up in the days where left-handed people were treated as slighly deficient, at school. They certainly had a probelm when it came to writing – forced to adopt that crabbed, over-the-top hand position which just did not work, in those days of pen and ink. So it was a pleasant surpise to read this news article …

Higher paychecks: a left-handed compliment?

Left-handed men, often seen as having an advantage over right-handed counterparts in sports like tennis, also enjoy much better paydays, a new study says.

Left-handed men with at least some college education

Read on …

Tag: left handed

I have updated the Personal Growth web pages at Pivotal points.

Here are the latest additions:

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I am relly enjoying a different style of blogging on the convention blog. Most of my blogs are simply notification – I point the readers to interesting things I’ve come across on the web. I feel I don’t need to comment because they speak for themselves. But in this blog, which is a behind-the-scenes look at how we are getting the programme ready for convention 2007 is a whole different style – a chat with members, really. And I am really enjoying it. Visit, if you would like to …