Covid 19 – the meaning, the money, your health and your business
I have just uploaded these articles to the Pivotal Website. Enjoy!
Coronavirus COVID-19: What To Make Of It And What To Learn From It – So, what is COVID-19 trying to tell us?
Covid-19 And Our Money: Managing Money And Staying On Top It all comes down to adopting the right approach. We are talking about confidence and positive attitude, of course, but we are also talking about practical solutions to make us financially resilient, even in the face of such challenges.
Your Attitude’s Impact On Mind And Body During COVID-19 Crisis – Here’s the good news: there are 2 things you can do right now in the privacy of your own home to significantly improve your immune system.
7 Ideas To Use “Found Time” During COVID-19 – Here are 7 ideas to help you take back a bit of control in your business and prepare for when things get back to a new “normal.”
4 Marketing Strategies For The COVID-19 Crisis – effective ways to keep your business running smoothly and successfully.