Be driven by "Good > Better > Best" … your way!


Be the best.
The best.
Successful, yes.
Getting results, yes.
Feeling good about your speaking – in flow, connecting, feeling the power.
The best.
Most famous.
Most recognised.
Admired, hired, applauded, discussed at conference mealtimes, quoted.
The best.
Better than … who … Tony Robbins, the Dalai Lama? Better than … Seth Godin, Barack Obama?
Good will not get you there, only the best.
Not your best.
The best.
That’s an exciting prospect, and certainly the basis for a Big Hairy Audacious Goal.
Do it.
Believe that it is possible. Believe that public speaking is based not on talent but on study and learning, practice and experience, trial and error, failure and success.
Whether or not you become the best, several things will happen.
We learn from those we seek to emulate and overtake. Learn their secrets to success. Learn what works for them.
I want to emphasise “emulate” and “overtake”.  Competition can be a great driver, comparison the absolute opposite.
In that process we learn about ourselves. What works for others does not always work for me.  I am me, with my own style, my own talents, my own aims and outcomes.
Have you discovered, yet, what your weaknesses and strengths are, your signature style, your aims – as a speaker, as a competitor, as a striver towards excellence and being your best?
Finally, no matter what the outcome, whether we become the best in the world, the best in our niche, the best in the neighbourhood, we can only improve
and become the best we can be.
And out of that comes the feeling good about our speaking – the being in flow, connecting, feeling the power … being admired, hired, applauded, discussed at conference mealtimes, quoted
in the niche, in the neighbourhood.
Let’s do it!
Do the study and learning, get the practice and experience, the trial and error, the failure and success.
Be good, get better, be the best,
whatever that becomes
for you, for me, for us.