Happy New Year
I hope you are loving this time of year. I guess there are as many reasons as there are individuals of us. Maybe it’s time off work. Maybe it’s time with family. Maybe it’s just the sense of community that is generated by a shared holiday.
I think all of those apply to me. It is also a time of year I can reflect on the year just gone – what worked and what didn’t, and what to do next. I have always loved the sense of a new journal, a new slate, a clean page that comes with a new calendar.
There is such hope for better things, a better person, better times.
I have put together a page again this year of ideas, resources and inspirations for the new year and for your planning.
You can visit it at http://bit.ly/g7ApeP
And finally this post brings my best wishes to you and yours for exciting new challenges in the new year and for times of peace and prosperity.