How to Produce Profitable Public Seminars
Can you still make money by selling seats at public seminars? Or is it one of the easiest ways to lose your shirt? Yes, and yes.
Public seminars are a fantastic way not only to make good money, but also to have potential clients preview you, and build your list of fans. Yet there are pitfalls you must avoid or you will be lamenting paying the hotel’s non-refundable deposit. Monica will share her secrets on making sure that all the are bases covered before you begin. If producing profitable public seminars is a goal for you, this session will provide invaluable learning, tips, and tricks of the trade. Plus, you may even learn a few things to avoid at all costs!
What you will learn:
• What decisions have to be made BEFORE you market
• From what sources to get your revenue
• How to cut your expenses
• Other benefits public seminars can provide you
• Common fears and how to overcome them
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