Learn lessons from an academy-award winning slide strategist
with Nancy Duarte
Why did Al Gore’s “An Inconvenient Truth” win an Academy Award? It was, in large part, how the information was illustrated that made it impactful. Nancy Duarte’s firm created those visuals. She’ll share how to adapt what worked for an Oscar-winning documentary to your presentations.
You have worked hard to prepare for your next presentation. You’re well-rehearsed and your concepts are brilliant. But maybe you should step back and take one last long look at your slides, because an audience can either listen to what you’re saying or read your slides — not both. Do you know if your visuals are overwhelming with too much information or do they help cement your concepts? Do you know the signal-to-noise ratio of your slides? Slides are supposed to clarify or amplify the message. Instead, they’re often a crutch for the presenter to remember what to say. Learn how to break that behavior and create slides that bring meaning instead of distraction.
In this webinar you will learn:
• How to create visuals that support your brilliance, not detract
• Why you have to understand the difference between a document and a slide
• How thinking like a designer will make your presentation memorable
• How to determine your signal-to-noise ratio and reduce the noise
• How to get your ideas to stand out!
Special note: To view this webinar, you’ll need to be in front of an Internet-connected computer.
More information => http://bit.ly/d8IQX3
Note: Everyone who registers for the teleseminar will get the MP3 recording of the session for free. Those who register or order the recording will get a link to a recording of the webinar.