Public speaking – Adding Golf To Your Topic – even if you're not a golfer

Adding Golf To Your Topic — Even if you’re not a golferI’m not a golfer, but I can tell you one thing for sure. Manypeople in your audiences are nuts over golf.I’ve seen some speakers do their entire presentation using a golfmetaphor. They would say things like, “In golf if your swing isoff, you’ll hit the ball into the woods . . . just like if yourleadership technique is off you’ll be in the “rough” .. .  and alot more is at stake than just a bad scorecard.” etc.I’ve seen speakers carry their golf bag on stage and pull outsome clubs just to have something to do with their hands.I’ve seen speakers get audience members on stage to have aputting contest.I’ve seen one speaker at a resort ride into his speech on a golfcart.You don’t even have to like golf to add a little bit about golfto your speeches. I tease the golfers in the audience about alltheir crazy gadgets.
Tom Antion, Publisher “Great Speaking”
