Quick Public Speaking success Tip – "Watch your tongue"

It was a common reminder when I was growing up, especially from mothers.
“Watch your tongue,”  they would say.
Now, as I look back, I wonder if it is even possible to see one’s own tongue!!
Nevertheless, we knew very well what it meant.  We were being chastised for saying something inappropriate, and more than probably disrespectful.
And it’s that saying that come to me now as I write this speaking tip for you as a quick reminder.
We live even more now, in an age where we are often not wholly conscious of what we say and how we say it.
And while that may apply to the morality or kindness of our words, it also applies to the way we say them.
It can be very easy to forget to articulate as we speak, especially for those of us who speak quickly and with enthusiasm (or nerves!!)
If you want to get a message across, people need to be able to hear it, to be able to hear each word. 
That means articulating every word very clearly. 
It especially means to pay particular attention to beginnings and especially endings. 
Then there can be no confusion between similar words such as taken and taking, or pass and past.
It also reinforces an image of you, the speaker as articulate and committed to your professionalism as a speaker and as someone with credibility.