Thankfully GOD is patient

In despair, I said to GOD, “So what am I here for?”


“What is my purpose?”


And GOD answered as he does probably more often than I know because sometimes I’m not listening.


But this time I was.


And let me just say that Yes, GOD is he to me, male, because that’s what I grew up with.  I was talking to a man when I said my prayers as a little girl.  Later on it was still a male when I was passionately declaring


“Of course there’s no God that I can possibly understand.  Show me the PROOF!”


So yes, he’s still a male, though I’m sure that given enough effort I could talk to a woman.  It would be the same person/entity/GOD either way.


Anyway he gave me an answer.


And what did I say ?


“F  k you!”.


I can be horribly rude when challenged to do something, especially when I know it’s what I SHOULD do, what I could do, that it’s the next best thing TO do.


GOD just laughed in that rich, deep, loving way that he does.


Oops that’s a woman.  But it’s the same level of joy, either way.


So patient.


He knows me so well, does GOD.


He understands


and when I respond like that, he just laughs, waits and comes back later with the life challenge I need to overcome to make the changes he suggested in the first place.


He’s like that – not just instructions, but experiences to make them easier to implement.


Thankfully GOD is patient!!