The fear is real
We all know fear. Know it well.
And wanting to DO something, anything, to take back control is also what we all feel. After all, fight or flight is real, and we know deep down what happens when you freeze. It comes back to haunt and haunt and haunt.
So when someone tells the story of what they are going to do, of course, we automatically think THAT’S what I can do! I’ve felt it, you’ve felt it. TOILET PAPER, that’s what I can do.
Oh yes, the impulse was there. I saw it, I felt it.
Somehow I managed to think up other ways I might be able to stay clean if I have to self isolate and the unthinkable (!) happens, (Thank you older parents who were shaped by the Depression) but the impulse is there.
And now there are people not only stockpiling but fighting over toilet paper.
And because I’m not happy about my own silly fear (my own label!!) then that fear in others must be silly too.
But that’s all it is, just fear.
And just as I need (oh so desperately) to not judge myself for that fear, then perhaps I can, we can, accept it in others. Yes it has horrible outcomes, yes it does not generate the best thing to do, but it IS understandable.
So here’s a thing – the opposite of fear is love. Woah!!? I remember THAT light bulb, and then, later on, connecting hate to the underlying driver. The opposite of fear is love.
And even more of a light bulb – when you feel loved, the fear diminishes and the calm self is there after all.
I only received that from my inner self recently and am still working on altering where I’m not recognising it in my story.
Give that fear some love – in ourselves and in all of our selves.
Thanks for being here for me. The story I tell me matters, and I am constantly finding the one that I can live with best. The story you tell you matters. And when we tell it together, the world changes!!!